What do you get when you hide virtual POIs all over remote Idaho? A challenging test of man and machine, but with a Honda CRF450L on the line, you also find grit and determination to win.
To celebrate the 2019 riding season, KLIM and REVER invited dual-sport and adventure riders to the beautiful Idaho backcountry around Challis, ID, for a unique event covering 10,000mi² of terrain for any style of riding.
The virtual-scavenger hunt had riders spend two full days riding in KLIM’s test lab—the rugged Idaho mountains—in search of Virtual Cow Tags. Riders were challenged to find the highest number of Cow Tags by electronically capturing them when tracking their rides in the REVER app after joining the Cow Tag Challenge.

The point of capturing the Cow Tags was that each one that was successfully nabbed represented a raffle ticket for a drawing of a brand-new Honda CRF450L dual-sport motorcycle.

After two days of riding and when all of the dust settled, it was Paul Hildebrand, whose lucky raffle ticket was pulled from the hat. Paul had grabbed 14 Cow Tags over the two days but most importantly also had the golden ticket that awarded him the Honda. Erik Atkinson ended the weekend at the top of the leaderboard with 21 tags, and walks away with the bragging rights.
Congrats guys!